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Salescopy layout

Writing sales copy isn’t all about content. It is also about presentation. If you picked up a brochure on a table and all you saw was one giant paragraph, odds are you would put it right back without reading it much. In this multimedia age, people expect to be fed information in a way that is so easily digestible that it has almost been “pre-chewed” for them. That means, they don’t want copy that is too hard to decipher, that is hard to read, or that makes them tired after they’re done reading it.


Here are some simple presentation skills that you should use in all your sales copy to help your copy jump out of the page, grab the reader’s attention, all the while they are being fed the most important benefits of your product or service.



Your web page or paper is your canvas. You don’t want to fill every inch of your canvas with words. Leave some white space for the reader to appreciate. This serves two functions. One, it is more visually appealing. Two, it is less tiring on the eyes. If you have very little white space, what ends up happening is that your copy looks cluttered and too difficult to wade through. This may seem trivial, but it is actually one of the most important pieces of information on good web page design and copywriting.


In this age of multitasking and digitized communications, having to wade through a ton of copy to get a message across is just too much work for many people, especially those who are busy. You don’t know when the visitor actually is finding your website. They might be at work on their lunch break.


They might have stumbled on it from a search engine. They might even have had a friend tell them about it on a social networking site. Odds are, they aren’t going to want to give you more than three minutes top to make a good impression. If that impression is one of clutter and disorganization, you will have lost a visitor potentially before they’ve even read a single word.


If you want to add white space without ruining your copy, there are several ways to do it. The most obvious is to write copy that sells the benefits in bulleted lists.



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