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Treat Yourself to a Massage

There are few things in life that are almost guaranteed to relieve a person of

stress immediately. If a list of such things were available, there would

certainly be a spot reserved for one of the finer enjoyments of life: receiving

a great massage. Stress and tension have a tendency to melt in the hands of a

qualified masseur or masseuse.


Fortunately for you, there are many different types of massage available from

which to choose. You can experiment with the types that catch your fancy and

discover what works best for you when it comes to relieving stress. This

article is a small outline of some of the available types of massage awaiting

your indulgence.


Acupressure is a form of massage developed by the same Chinese folks who

brought the world acupuncture. In fact, the theory behind acupressure is based

on the theory behind acupuncture. But you need not believe in the theories of

traditional Chinese medicine to enjoy a massage. Acupressure uses the fingers,

palms, and elbows to apply pressure to parts of the body believed to have some

connection to the ailment in question. The beauty of acupressure is that many

of its techniques can be done solo.


Aryuvedic massage is a form of massage that stems from the Indian art of

Aryuvedic medicine, a system of holistic treatment. The masseur or masseuse

uses hot herbal oils believed to treat certain conditions of the body and mind.


Reflexology is a form of massage that focuses heavily on the feet. The belief

is that certain parts of the foot correspond in some metaphysical way to

certain parts of the body. Stimulation of parts of the foot is believed to

result in stimulation of the corresponding parts of the body. If you have been

walking non-stop all week and want to experience a style of massage that

centers on your feet, reflexology may be the style for you.


Shiatsu is a form of massage from Japan, based on the same metaphysical beliefs

as acupressure (what the Chinese call chi, what the Indians call prana, and

what the Japanese call ki is the energy believed to flow through the body along

uniform channels). It too uses the hands, particularly the thumbs, to apply

pressure to various parts of the body.


Swedish massage is a very popular form of massage that uses light touches,

kneading, rhythmic tapping, compression, and vibration to relieve the body of

pain, stiffness, tension, and the results of stress. This form of massage is

what people usually think of when conversations about massage arise.



Thai massage is a form of massage that combines stretches with applied

pressure. Depending on the Thai masseur or masseuse, the emphasis may be on

either the stretches or the applied pressure.


Often people find that giving a massage to someone else can be as relaxing as

receiving a massage themselves. If you are one of these people and are having

trouble finding subjects who wish to lie down on your makeshift massage table,

consider signing up for a course in massage therapy at your local community

college. Doing so will provide you with hands-on instruction for a number of

massage techniques (and it does not get any more hands-on than massage!).

Furthermore, you will have plenty of willing subjects available, and you may

one day even be able to charge for your services. At the very least, your

friends and family will no longer be avoiding your massage table as they do

now, scared as they are of being the new power tools for your viselike hands.


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