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Cleaning Up Your Credit

How to Handle Your First Credit Card

Good credit is something that has to be worked at and maintained. While, it is difficult to rebuild good credit after financial stumbles, good credit from the start can be maintained much easier. When you turn eighteen you will notice a barrage of credit card and other loan offers coming in the mail, calling you on the phone and popping up in your email. While, some may be tempting with high limits and promises of low interest rates and payments, these can be the traps that walk you straight into large amount of suffocating credit card debt in the future....

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How to Prevent Identity Theft from Happening to You

Identity theft is a terrible crime and it happens to thousands of people around the country every day. With the onslaught of technology and the sophistications of the identity theft industry, you can often fall into a trap without even knowing it’s right in front of you. The best way to protect yourself and your families are to follow a few easy tips that can protect you from identity theft criminals and the mind-blowing damage they can cause both emotionally and financially. Tip #1: Protect you pieces of identity. It’s important to protect the items that share your identity. This...

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How to Restore your Credit after Identity Theft

Identity theft can be a terrible thing and when left unnoticed or unreported can ruin your credit and borrowing power for the long term. Though identity theft can cause major problems with your credit and drop your credit score dramatically, there are ways to work to recover from identity theft and restore your credit to what it once was. One of the first things to remember is the quicker identity theft is reported the easier it is to remove from your credit. Regardless, of whether you reported quickly or were too embarrassed to come forward, you need to contact your...

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How to Spot a Credit Repair Scam

Credit repair companies are all over the Internet and offered through other credit minded organizations, but can credit repair really be bought and sold and do the practices used and promised really work? The short answer is no, but why? Instant credit repair, a new credit identity and a chance to start over all sound amazing, but the reality is that just isn’t the way credit works. Credit is built slowly over time as is the repair of financial mistakes made. There are many credit repair organizations out there who offer to fix bad credit or boost good credit all...

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Planning for a Credit-Worthy Future

Credit can be a fickle thing if when you don’t understand it there are many things that can come about and bite you in the rear leaving you with a credit mess. The best way to avoid those messes or recovery after coming out of a financial mess is to plan your financial future and set some boundaries for yourself for a better, more solid financial future. Planning for your future can look like a lot of things and should involve many different aspects, like living within your means, things you want to accomplish financially, what you want out of...

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