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Cleaning Up Your Credit

The Basics of Credit Clean Up

Credit can be a fickle thing and if you don’t know much about credit, your credit report or score and how credit works it can seem overwhelming to try and find ways to fix or clean it up. As overwhelming as credit practices may seem there are ways to clean up your credit and plan for a better financial future with smarter spending and borrowing practices. There are four main ways to clean up your credit and the more cohesively you use them together the better the result at the end. This article will briefly go through the four areas...

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Understanding Your Credit Report and Score

Your credit score is based on a formulation used by the credit reporting agencies that creates a general average of your credit history and assigns a number to show whether you have excellent, good, fair or poor credit. While, your credit score is an average of your credit history, it is often the first thing creditors look at when deciding whether or not to give you a loan or credit account. While, you are unable to change the credit score directly, you can change and better your overall credit and credit report which will directly reflect on your credit score....

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Use Debt Consolidation to Raise Your Credit Score

Debt consolidation is a form of debt management that allows you to find a way out from under debt while still avoiding bankruptcy, garnishment and other extreme financial measures. Debt consolidation allows for you to use one loan to a pay off all other accounts and loans you have leaving you with one monthly payment and interest rate. The way this can help your credit score is by allowing your current accounts, regardless of status, to be considered paid and in good standing. You also open another loan account which shows a certain level of good credit and it then...

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What is Credit and How Does it Work?

Credit may seem like a trifle and fickle thing, but it can be demystified and used to help better your credit rating and score. Credit is when you borrow money against your own name in order to make payments on an item of high price or value. The highest forms of borrowing are often vehicles and homes, though jewelry, electronics, recreational vehicles and many other items are available on credit, even furnishings and home goods can be bought on credit. With the expansion of credit over the past few decades stores have cropped up their own store credit cards that...

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