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Stress Busters (eBooks)



You would think wouldn’t you, that in our modern world with so many opportunities available, everybody would be living a happy, productive and stress-free life.


Thanks to advancements in technology, improved civil rights, and disease prevention and cure, our lives should be happier, healthier and more fulfilling than ever before.


So why is it then that 48% of Americans report experiencing more stress than they did five years ago?


Why is it that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States says that around 75% of all visits to a Doctor are stress related?


If you constantly feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with what life is throwing at you, you’re not getting the same quality of sleep you used to, or you experience physical tension much of the time, you’re not alone.


According to studies, a significant proportion of our modern society has been going about their daily lives in a permanently heightened state of stress and anxiety.  What’s even more worrying is that they’ve been doing it for so long it feels normal to them.


Occasional episodes of Acute Stress such as a run-in with a colleague, a disaster in the kitchen, or a scrape to the paintwork of your vehicle are just part of modern day life.  Thankfully our bodies are designed to cope with short episodes of stress, so no real harm is done.


But what happens when those occasional episodes become more and more frequent? And on top of that there is underlying stress from issues that are often ever-present in our lives, such as an unhappy relationship; a job you dread turning up for each day, or regular bills you struggle to pay. The effects of Acute Stress become compounding, and stress becomes Chronic.


Chronic stress is linked to a whole host of health problems; poor digestion, diabetes, high blood pressure, insomnia, depression, and other mental health issues all are on the increase.


Chronic stress is also potentially fatal.  Diseases such cancer, heart disease, and cirrhosis of the liver, as well as respiratory disorders, accidental injuries, and suicide all share stress as a common denominator. 


Yes, you can blame Chronic Stress as a significant contributing factor to all six of the leading causes of death in the United States.


If all this scares the bejeebers out of you, then great; because when stress becomes a big part of your life and your lifestyle; your health and well-being are being seriously compromised.


So how do you free yourself from the constant presence of stress in your life?  Is it even possible in this modern day society of ours to live a life with less pressure and stress? 


Thankfully it is, and this book will help you in two ways:


#1 - By providing clear and concise information about stress, so you understand the condition and its effects on your body and your mind;

#2 - By giving you practical ways to relieve, reduce, prevent and manage stress so you can get back control of your life and preserve your long-term health and happiness.


You can use this book to stop stress governing your life, and start living it the way you want to.