Self Defense for Women
Woman Deserve To Know How To Protect Them Self Or Those They Love, Against Those Who Want To Hurt Them Or Their Loved Ones.
Dear Friend:
The statistics on violence against women are staggering – even overwhelming. Often, women are thought of as the weaker sex, unable to defend themselves effectively against a strong male attacker. It’s this kind of thinking that hurt women.
The truth is that women CAN and SHOULD fight back when they are threatened. It takes a lot of courage to fight back, though, and many myths exist regarding women’s self-defense training. These myths include:
- You have to learn martial arts to defend yourself
- There’s no way you can over-power your attacker
- Just give in and let them have what they want
- If someone wants to get to you, they will no matter what you do
- All you need to know to defend yourself is how to fight
All of these statements are, indeed, myths. There are many, many ways you can protect yourself from being compromised or assaulted. They don’t necessarily involve martial arts, they don’t require you to know how to fight, and they definitely don’t require you to give in to your attacker.
You Don’t Have To Be A Victim!
Self defense is about ending a violent attack against your person. Self defense is not about sparring and exchanging blows with another person. You see, the best self defense of all is to not put yourself in harm’s way. The second best self defense technique is to run. If neither of these options are available, you MUST know how to defend yourself to save your life.
There are tons and tons of information out there regarding self defense for women and how to make sure that no one gets the upper hand when trying to overcome you. In fact, having all that information, literally, at your fingertips can be confusing. The truth is, there is really not one right way to defend yourself. The decision is a personal one and definitely depends on the situation.
Don’t Get Take In By All The Self-Help Programs That Don’t Give You All The Facts. Start Here!
It's true that there are hundreds and hundreds of people out there willing to sell you the best book on martial arts, the most wonderful guide to gun ownership ever, the best way to administer a “groin shot”, etc. Some of these guides are great resources, but they’re not for everyone.
How can you weed through all of the “fool-proof” techniques and figure out what’s right for you? You may not be able to, but having too much information is better than having not enough. Which is why we’re proud to offer to you our amazing e-book, “Self Defense for Women: Don’t Be another Statistic.”
We are presenting you with all sides of defending yourself against violence. There is no ONE way that is right. You deserve to be fully prepared. The amount of information out there can be overwhelming. We understand. That’s why we wrote this book!
Why Buy 10 Books When You Can Buy Just This One?
Doesn’t quite make sense, does it? We have packed so much information into the pages of this book, it could have been over a hundred pages, but it’s not. It’s easy to read and gets right to the point in just over 60 pages.
Don’t Spend Hours Reading Books And Articles That Won’t Help. All You Need Is THIS Book!
The fact is that women are attacked more often and more violently than any other group of people. That includes all races, ages, and demographic pigeonholes. Women are looked on as vulnerable and easy targets. That’s why the statistics are so high.
It’s time to bring those numbers down and empower women against violent attacks. With this e-book, you’ll find all sorts of information and, best of all, an answer to the question, “How do I defend myself when I’m not sure I can?”
Inside the pages of this book, we’ve given you real life stories that illustrate the mistakes that some women who are victims of violence have made. We’ll address those mistakes and show you how to avoid them.
There are many, many opportunities out there for attacks. These include:
- Rape
- Car Jacking
- Purse Snatching
- Domestic Violence
- Home Invasion
- Being Followed by An Unmarked Police Car
- Walking Along the Street
- Workplace Violence
- And more
That’s what’s so disturbing about this predicament: violence can happen anywhere. That includes at home, at work, at the grocery store, in schools, or on a shopping trip. No one is truly and completely safe all the time.
If you’re reading this and considering this e-book for someone you love, rest assured, this is a comprehensive guide that has put together information from many different sources including martial arts experts, gun advocates, and self defense proponents.
“Self Defense for Women: Don’t Be another Statistic” can give you and your female loved ones piece of mind when out in the world with practical advice that anyone can put into use immediately.
Self-defense is all about surviving a situation where there is a very real risk of physical harm. This requires first-hand knowledge of techniques you can use to defend yourself without thinking. However, not everyone has enough time to learn a multitude of techniques. What everyone really needs is just a handful of simple yet effective techniques that are useful for any situation. That’s what we’re providing you TODAY!
Martial arts classes are great, but it takes a very long time to get proficient enough in the system to be able to use it for self defense. What will do in the meantime? What if something happens and you are clueless about what to do in that situation?
By ordering “Self Defense for Women: Don’t Be another Statistic” today, you’ll be able to learn about common sense self defense options you might have never thought about. Such options as:
- Using perfume as a deterrent
- How to make a car key a lethal weapon
- What to scream other than “Help!”
- Getting out of a car your attacker has cornered you in
- Talking yourself through an attack – and talking your attacker out of it
There are hundreds of ways that you can avoid becoming a victim of violence. Even when that violence occurs in your own home! Domestic violence is the worst type to have to defend yourself against. Would you really be able to use brute force against your partner? What if he was attacking you? Would you be able to then?
The key here is to change your mindset and remember that whether you are attacked on the street or in your own bedroom, you have the right to defend yourself! It doesn’t really matter if you know your attacker or not.
We Don’t Need Anymore Rising Statistics!
The time to fight back is NOW! Megan is glad she did!
“I never thought I’d be able to defend myself in a violent situation. When I read this book, I realized that I have the right to defend myself. Not only the right, but the ability as well! If I hadn’t gotten the valuable information in this book, I’d be just another victim. Thanks!' Megan From California |
Shelly gave us the following testimonial:
“I was walking to my car after finishing a long shift at the local bar. I always knew my job was a bit of a risky one – especially since I would rarely get out of work before midnight. I would always get a little “freaked out” walking to my car alone. Now that I have the information you have given me, I don’t have to worry anymore. I know I can defend myself!” Shelly From Alabama |
This incredible book is a true bargain at just $4.95. That’s a fraction of the cost that you will spend if you go to your local book store and get a book on self defense. In fact, it’s much less than what you will spend for martial arts or hands-on self defense instruction. And it’s something you can refer to again and again.
It’s true, we have given you all sorts of information about how women can defend themselves against violent attacks in many different situations at a bargain price. You can’t really put a price on your safety, can you?
But we understand how you might be skeptical - especially since there are other guides out there for twice our price. How do you know you will be getting a comprehensive guide like we’ve promised? That’s because we stand behind what we sell.
We are willing to provide you with a 100 percent money-back guarantee if our book isn’t exactly what we says it is. That guarantee comes with no questions asked. We think it’s so important for women to take their own safety into their own hands. We wouldn’t ask you to put your blind trust in us.
That’s Why We Guarantee What We Sell
If After Using What You Learn From My Book, You Don't Learn How To Successfully Identify And Cope With Self-Defense for Women, I'll personally Buy My Book Back From You & You Get A 100%, No-Hassle Refund! ('And you can even keep the book for free as a thank you for trying it out!') |
You truly have nothing to lose. However, when it comes to violent attacks, there’s plenty to lose! Protect yourself and protect those around you. Share the information you get in this book – we want you to!
After reading this book, you will be able to venture out into the world knowing you are safer than you ever have been before. You can walk with confidence knowing that you have the most information you have ever been given before about defending yourself against a violent attack.
It’s time the violence against women stops – RIGHT NOW! Order “Self Defense For Women: Don’t Be another Statistic” today for the low, low price of $4.95. With our money-back guarantee, there’s no way you can lose. Well, unless you don’t order. Then what you lose could be much more drastic!
Stay safe and keep your loved ones safe!
With sincere wishes,
Rich PLR
P.S. Remember, there’s NO RISK at all when you order “Self Defense for Women: Don’t Be another Statistic”. We’ll give you a 100 percent money back guarantee for 90 days after you order. Isn’t $4.95 well worth the price of piece of mind? We think so!
P.P.S. Don’t wait – order today! Tomorrow, you might need to use what we have to tell you! It’d be a shame if you didn’t have our information. Seriously, with a money-back guarantee, you might as well!