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Dog Walking Riches

Dog Walking Riches

$9.95 $19.95

If You Have a Few Spare Hours a Day Then Here's How You Can Make Easy Cash Just By Walking Dogs...


Hi there,

Most dog walkers make less than $10 an hour. But if you know a few secrets you can easily make upwards of $500 working the hours you want.

My name is Linda Bert and for the last seven years I've been a professional dog walker making money spending time with beautiful animals in the outdoors!

In just a moment I'll reveal how you too can experience this amazing lifestyle and exactly what you need to do , so keep reading!

Because you see walking dogs in your spare time...

...Is One of The Most Lucrative Home Businesses (That Hardly Anybody Knows About)...

Because there's millions of middle to upper class people (who haven't been affected by the global financial crisis at all) who are desperate to find a good dog walker.

Most have gotten their kids a pet for a birthday or Christmas and found that they're too busy working to actually walk the dog, and they'll happily pay $100 a week to you or even more every week for you to walk their dog for 15 minutes a day.

Let's do a little math here...

Let's say you found just 10 loyal clients like that who hire you... Working just a few hours in the morning and a few hours in the afternoon, you can get paid $1,000 a week, and you'd be running your own biz. :)

And all there is to making more money is getting more clients...

But here's the thing... There are so many wealthy people desperate for a good dog walker who isn't some irresponsible teenage kid, they can't trust!

You see, most dog walkers are unserious teenagers just looking to make some extra cash, so they do it all wrong!

They approach people who won't pay more than $10 or $15 dollars, and as a result they make maybe $5 an hour at best...

But there's a lot of really simple ways to get the lucrative jobs where you can make serious money...

It's not about just getting out there and banging on a few people's doors and slap up some flyers. The best way is much easier than that (but hardly anybody knows about it)...

That's why I've put together a special course showing EXACTLY how you can start your very own home business!

I've made starting your own dog walking business so easy that it's almost FAIL PROOF and shows you what to do step-by-step from A to Z!

All you have to do is sit back as I show you how I make up to $3,000 a week walking dogs in my spare time...

Let me introduce you to...

...The Dog Walking Riches A-Z Startup Course...


First you'll get the Dog Walking Riches A-Z Startup Course manuals which cover...
How to start your dog walking home business for less than $50 -- These powerful secrets will save you a fortune.

An insider prospective on how to make hundreds walking dogs and separate yourself from the cheap $9 an hour dog walkers -- trust me when you do this, you're prospects will pay almost any fee!

How to figure out exactly what your clients want with this powerful "interview" strategy.

The 5 Most common mistakes people make around dogs -- you'll discover how to quickly become a "natural" around animals and earn their trust.

The MUST KNOW Guide to dealing with five of the most common encounters in the business -- You'll save hours of stress and worry.

How to get a Professional Site made for less than $100 -- You'll be able to show up whenever someone searches for a dog walker in your area, and I'll show you how!

Powerful Marketing Secrets -- You'll see exactly how to pump out money making marketing which fills your schedule sheet and costs virtually nothing.

How to use the power of blogging to make thousands as a dog walker.

And so much more...
Plus you get the manuals in their audio version too so that you can burn them to a CD, load them to your iPod or other type of mp3 player and you can listen to what's covered in the manuals no matter where you're at!

Not only that, but you'll also get...

... Several $40,000+ A Year Dog Walkers Reveal Their Personal Blueprint To Success...

This is where things get interesting...

I went out and interviewed several super successful dog walking business owners, and they revealed exactly how they are getting lucrative clients, how to work less and make more money as well as the fastest ways to get started.

There are hours and hours of powerful content here, and it's available nowhere else!

You'll learn things like...
Exactly what they did when they started their business. Information on business license, permits, etc are discussed, so you know how to make sure your businesss is setup correctly.

An overview of what their day to day activities are... This will give you an insiders view to what other successful dog walking busiess owners do each day, and incorporate some of those things into your business.

First hand advice from those who have been there and done that in the dog walking business industry. Many tips, work arounds, and "what to avoids" are all laid out for you!

Easy ways to keep track of your clients and their dogs. Knowing who walks where and when, and what other services they get can be tricky to keep up with. Learn how others are successfully keeping organized, so you can do the same.

And so so so much more!
As you can see, you're getting the full step-by-step methods to building a home business that will give you the paycheck you've dreamed of and the freedom to spend it.

You're also going to be learning from someone who has been doing this for years and years, so the learning curve has been taken out of all of this for you!

There's nothing like this on the planet... Period!

You don't need any special skills and you only need about seven hours a week! Imagine making $500 a week and working as little as 7 hours a week. It's AMAZING... :)

Now to show you how much I stand behind this course, I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and take all the risk out of this purchase for you...

"You Pay Nothing Unless You Build A Successful Dog Walking Business Of Your Own..."

That's how confident I am that you can really take everything you learn in this step-by-step system and create a real business that makes you $500 a week or more...

I'm going to take all of the risk off your shoulders and offer you a full money back guarantee if you don't start banking up to $500 each and every week!

Just try it out and if you don't get results... just send me an email and I'll refund every cent of your money courteously and without any questions.

Plus you can even keep a copy of the course, just for trying it out. So if anything you're getting the better deal!

But here's the thing...

"You Need To Hurry..."

Because recently I have started to get emails from past customers who have gone out and quickly and easily gotten dozens of new regular "cashed up" clients...

They've been able to consistently bank $500 or more every single week, and in some cases even more...

The only problem is that as more and more people discover my secrets they're competing against other dog walkers trained by me! 

I've had several people contact me with similar concerns. So the price of this course is getting ready to have a dramatic increase in price. I mean heck it is worth at least $997, and with the content in this course I know I could charge even more than that.

However, there is a small window of opportunity where you can still get the course with all the information and at no where near the price it's going to be, but this will only be available for the week... so make sure you take action right now before this becomes a course that will cost you at least a grand to get a hold of.

This is not a joke... if you come back to this page in a few days and this section isn't here, it's because the changes have already occurred and the price has gone up!

As I said, you need to take action right now!

So my question to you is...

"Are You In Or Are You Out? "

You've already seen the proof of several people making between $300 to $500 a week walking dogs in their spare time...

You've seen how effortless and fast getting dozens of high paying clients are desperate to find a good dog walker for them...

You've also get a complete money back guarantee for the first 60 days and if you don't build a successful dog walking home business in your spare time... you get all of your money back.

All that's waiting is for you to place your investment in yourself and the small $9.95 one time investment in this course...

Here's What You Need To Do Right Now

Click the order now button below and you'll be redirected to a secure order page and you'll need to enter your payment (remember that's only a small $9.95 one time investment) and personal details.

You'll be able to pay via PayPal and all major credit cards and you're details are processed by the internet's most trusted payment processor.

Take action right now... or you'll be missing out on the freedom and financial security your own dog walking business can give you! Order you Dog Walking Riches A-Z Startup Course by clicking on the order button below.


Note: After payment you'll be redirected to the download page so you can download this entire course to your computer instantly and get started! No waiting for anything via the mail!

I'll see you on the other side!

Rich PLR 

P.S Remember, all you need is a few weeks, dedication to creating your own freedom, and you could be making $500 a week or more in your spare time... you have NO risk. Invest in your copy of this breakthrough course right now.

P.P.S If you have any problems just ask for a COMPLETE REFUND on all of your money, there's no questions asked... so you have nothing to lose.