The Truth About Asthma
Do you really need all those expensive prescriptions just to breath?
Get the Truth About Asthma and Stop Those Asthma Attacks In Their Tracks!
Did you know that there are 5,000 asthma related deaths each year?
Don’t Become a Statistic - Get the Answers to That and Other Burning Questions About Asthma!
The information you are about to receive can literally save your life. If you or a loved one suffer from asthma you need to know that you CAN manage it.
Even though asthma is not thought to be a fatal disease, if it is severe enough it has been known to cause respiratory failure.
If you are old enough, you just might remember the days when the experts used to tell folks that asthma was “all in their heads.” Not literally, either!
Yep, they used to tell us that asthma was a psychological disorder. There were even stories of how some backward cultures thought that people with asthma carried a curse from the devil!
Yet another school of thought was that asthma was a childhood disease and not to worry, you would grow out of it! Yeah, right!
No matter what your thoughts are on asthma, you deserve to know the truth. If you suspect that you or a loved one have asthma the first thing you need to know is what the heck it is.
It is thought that asthma is incurable. While that may be the case, you should know that you can deal with it effectively, reducing or even eliminating those undesirable asthma attacks.
Sadly, all the strides in modern technology can contribute to the almost 2 million asthma patients treated in our emergency rooms.
Our environment is a huge factor in what causes asthma attacks. How we live, work and play are all affected.
You have the right to live a healthy, happy life. Not true! You can face the fear, surmount it and go on to live a fruitful, healthy and happy life.
Finally, you have a source that will answer all those questions about asthma and how to manage the condition. “The Truth About Asthma” is written in easy to understand language.
And, it helps you begin to feel better when you get answers to subject like:
- And, “The Truth About Asthma” gives you that life-saving information.
Many books will give you suggestions about how to deal with your agoraphobia AFTER the fact. What about preventing them in the first place? Not only will you learn some of those techniques you will also learn about:
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- What are you waiting for? You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!
- Exploring the alternatives and charting a course for a more productive life free of asthma attacks is certainly under your control.
- Will you ever cure your asthma? Thus far, a total cure for asthma is illusive. But with the medical community making new strides every day there is the possibility of a cure in the future.
- Medications are helpful, but there are also numerous natural processes you can use to combat asthma in your life. Those are discussed as well as nutritional steps you can take to improve life for your asthmatic.
P.S. Don’t forget that you can control your asthma instead of allowing it to control you! Don’t become of those 5,000 people who die each year from asthma related illness. Take the step now. You’ll be glad you did!