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The Dash Diet (eBooks)



Lower Your Blood Pressure In Just 2-Weeks With The DASH Diet

And prevent osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes...


Dear Friend,


Have you heard of the DASH Diet?


DASH stands for "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.”


The reason I’m so excited to share the DASH Diet with you today is that it’s one of the few natural ways to lower your blood pressure.


The DASH diet works so well that even the medical establishment has nice things to say about it!


As I’m sure you know they really hate endorsing anything they can’t write a prescription for.


Here’s a quote from the Mayo Clinic website:


“By following the DASH diet, you may be able to reduce your blood pressure by a few points in just two weeks. Over time, the top number of your blood pressure (systolic blood pressure) could drop by eight to 14 points, which can make a significant difference in your health risks.


Because the DASH diet is a healthy way of eating, it offers health benefits besides just lowering blood pressure. The DASH diet is also in line with dietary recommendations to prevent osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.




“Best Diet Of The Year”



Even the mainstream media has been forced to admit the Dash Diet is the real deal and not a fly by night fad...




Backed By Research

As you know most diets don’t stand up to scientific scrutiny.


That’s not the case with the DASH Diet.


The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute funded four studies to test the health benefits of the DASH Diet.


The DASH Diet was found to lowers blood pressure and LDL cholesterol:


“Four NHLBI-funded studies tested the health benefits of the DASH diet by comparing the DASH diet with the typical American diet or by comparing different variations of the DASH diet.


Another NHLBI-funded study, the PREMIER clinical trial, measured the health benefits of following the DASH diet and increasing physical activity.


The results of these studies showed that the DASH diet lowers blood pressure and LDL cholesterol in the blood and shaped the NHLBI’s DASH eating plan recommendations, which includes following a DASH diet with reduced sodium intake.”



You’ll Even Lose Weight!

Obesity rates are skyrocketing.


Here are some chilling statistics from the World Health Organization:


  • Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975.
  • In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 650 million were obese.
  • 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight in 2016, and 13% were obese.
  • Most of the world's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight.
  • 41 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2016.
  • Over 340 million children and adolescents aged 5-19 were overweight or obese in 2016.




Obesity goes hand and hand with hypertension and high cholesterol.


When you use the DASH Diet to correct hypertension and high cholesterol you will automatically stabilize your weight (if that’s a problem you’re dealing with.)


Think of it as a pleasant side effect!


If you’re ready to try the DASH Diet I have something special I’d like to share with you...

A Beginners Guide To The DASH Diet

The DASH Diet is a proven system to regain your health, lower cholesterol levels and reduce hypertension


Unlike normal diets, you don’t have to starve yourself.


DASH is more focused on what you eat not how much you eat.


Are you interested in discovering exactly how you can start using the DASH Diet to lower your blood pressure and prevent osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes?


If so, I’d like to introduce you to my Beginners Guide To The DASH Diet…


Here’s What You’ll Discover

  • The secret to properly planning your dash diet
  • Easy to follow advice on the best foods to eat on the dash diet
  • How to follow the DASH and keep eating your favorite foods
  • The 3 main nutrients you need to focus on when you follow the DASH Diet
  • What you need to do before starting the DASH Diet to avoid irritating your stomach
  • Danger foods that will sabotage your DASH Diet
  • The 2 types of food you should eat more of
  • A sample daily meal plan on the DASH Diet
  • What you need to know before shopping for groceries
  • How to eat out when you’re on the DASH Diet
  • and much, much more...

This powerful guide will show you how to quickly lower your blood pressure and cholesterol by making simple changes to the way eat.


And remember, the DASH Diet isn’t about counting calories. You’ll still be eating plenty of your favorite foods.


Think about how much you could change your life and your health if you applied the strategies in this guide.


You can add years to your life and avoid a fortune in medical bills!


You’re Also Getting Two Valuable Bonuses!

In order to give you the best deal possible I’m also giving you two valuable bonuses if you grab a copy of my DASH Diet guide today.

The Top Ten Cancer Preventing Foods

This guide shares the top 10 foods that can help you prevent cancer.


Cancer has gotten so widespread that close to 50% of everyone reading this will have cancer in their lifetime.


This guide will show you foods that help naturally fight off cancer so you can reduce your chances of becoming one of the 50%.






Lowering Cholesterol By Eating Healthier

Cholesterol is another deadly health problem that is out of control.


The good news is you can help lower Cholesterol by eating a few special foods.


This bonus guide will reveal these special foods.






I Want You To Have This Life Saving Information


To make it easy for you to start the DASH diet today I'm going to really sweeten the deal


For a very limited time, you can grab my fantastic and super-simple DASH Diet guide and two bonus guides for the amazingly low price of just $7



If you need to lower your cholesterol and curb hypertension, this guide could be a life-changing first step towards the new you.


The fact of the matter is, there is NO magic pill that will give you benefits of the DASH Diet.


The DASH Diet is backed by science and endorsed by medical experts.


If you don’t want to spend the rest of your life taking prescription drugs this is the best natural option you have to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol.


I’m so confident that you will love this guide on the DASH Diet, that, if for any reason you don't feel it’s right for you I will return your investment.


"Grab Your Copy Now, Even If It Is 2 A.M. In The Morning!"





That's right. You can use this product for a full 30 days to prove that it works.


Read it. Absorb. Apply it to your life. Observe the results.


If for any reason at all you're not satisfied, just contact me and I'll refund your purchase.


You Cannot Lose!


Starting today you enjoy the safe, natural process of restoring your health.

Get Instant Access


 Yes! I want to get The DASH Diet Guide right now.


I understand that I will discover:


  • The secret to properly planning your dash diet
  • Easy to follow advice on the best foods to eat on the dash diet
  • How to follow the DASH and keep eating your favorite foods
  • The 3 main nutrients you need to focus on when you follow the DASH Diet
  • What you need to do before starting the DASH Diet to avoid irritating your stomach
  • Danger foods that will sabotage your DASH Diet
  • The 2 types of food you should eat more of
  • A sample daily meal plan on the DASH Diet
  • What you need to know before shopping for groceries
  • How to eat out when you’re on the DASH Diet
  • The top ten cancer preventing foods
  • How to lower cholesterol by eating healthier
  • and much, much more...

"Grab Your Copy Now, Even If It Is 2 A.M. In The Morning!"


Grab your copy today and discover how to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol with the DASH Diet


Warm regards,


Rich PLR


P.S: You are completely backed by my 30-day money back guarantee. You've got nothing to lose and abundant health to gain. So grab your copy now!