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Speak UP (Audio & eBook)

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“Would You Rather Have a Root Canal than Give a Speech?”

Have You Been Asked to Speak at Work or a Public Event?

Are You Afraid You'll Forget What to Say, Freeze or Embarrass Yourself?

Learn How to BEAT Your NERVES and Create, Write and Deliver a Great Speech!

Audio MP3 AND PDF Included!

Dear Anxious Speaker,

Fear of Public Speaking is one of the most common fears for people - even above death! On top of that, you may never have received training on public speaking and don't know where to start. So if you've been asked to give a speech or need to learn public speaking for your career or schooling, where do you begin?

Since a large part of the anxiety public speakers feel is due to a lack of preperation, learning how to plan, write and practice your speech will give you the confidence you need to get through it.

 “What Do You Have to Say?”

Are you speaking in class, in a wedding, at a work conference? Why have you been asked to speak and what value are you providing to your listeners? Public speaking isn't always natural but throughout your life you are bound to be asked to SPEAK UP more than once. 

Rather than suffer through it, why not learn how it's done and develop a new skill? Not only will you be less nervous, you'll build your confidence and feel proud of your accomplishment! 

ANYONE can give a public speech -  a child, someone with a disability or someone advanced in years - so YOU can too! All that's stopping you is your own fears and concerns so why not learn how you can...

 "SPEAK UP! A Guide to Public Speaking”

Learn how to combat your nerves, come up with an idea to speak about, create, write and deliver an engaging speech your audience will love! 

Are you ready to improve your skills further? Learn to do more than just deliver information and really connect with your audience so they remember your speech! Here's where to begin...

SPEAK UP! A Guide to Public Speaking (and Keeping Your Audience Interested)…

    • Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
Is an uncontrolled case of stage fright holding you back? Here's where to start gaining contol of your fears.

      • What is the Objective of Your Speech?
    Beginning with the end result - what is it you want your audience to do, learn or gain from your speech?
      • How to Select a Topic for Your Speech
    Asked to provide your own topic? Ideas to get past 'writer's block' and decide what topic to speak about.
      • Tips for Collecting Information for Your Speech
    Data is crucial when giving a speech - where will you get your information from and how will you collect it?
      • How to Create a Speech Outline    
    Creating an outline makes writing and delivery easier - learn this step to creating great speeches
      • How to Create the Opening of Your Speech
    How to capture your audience from the beginning...
      • How to Organize the Body of Your Speech
    Learn how to organize your speech so the audience can follow...
      • How to Properly Close Your Speech    
    How to create an ending your audience will react to!
      • How to Practice Your Public Speaking
    A great confidence booster - learn how to practice before you go on!
      • Tips for Remembering Your Speech    
    Anyone can get distracted or loose their thought so how do you prevent that from happening when your audience is waiting?
      • Why Presentation is Important
    The audience responds to more than just the words you say, how can you present your speech effectively?    
      • How to Relate to Your Audience
    Tailoring your speech to your audience will help them get the most out of it. Learn how to analyze and relate to your audience.
      • How to Use Body Lanugage to Enhance Your Speech
    Don't become a robot on stage - learn how to use body language to enhance your speech
    What You’ll Also Get…
    • How to Avoid Word Whiskers and Other Habits
    You may not notice them but your audience can be distracted if word whiskers (ahhh, um) and other habits are not controlled.
    • Tips for Using Visual Aids in Your Speech
    Surprise your audience (and keep their minds from wandering) with a visual presentation that adds punch to your speech

     “Say What's On Your Mind!”

    Use these skills to improve your communication everyday. See how different you feel when you go to an interview, job review or other situation where confidence and knowing how to communicate effectively can increase your success. 

    Where else will this new talent take you? Who knows - but first things first - HOW are you going to get it?

    Challenge yourself to become a better public speaker than you ever thought you could be. Download ‘SPEAK UP! A Guide to Public Speaking!’ right now!

    This book is filled with so much value you are

    GUARANTEED to appreciate the information

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     Download Your Personal Copy of ‘SPEAK UP! A Guide to Public Speaking’ and Start Applying this Knowledge Today!

    Audio MP3 AND PDF Included!

    Only $9.95!


    Rich PLR


    P.S. Don’t forget that another day without using the advice available in ‘SPEAK UP! A Guide to Public Speaking' means one more day of letting that speach hang over your head - panic, fear and anxiety lurking in the back of your mind. Why wait when you can become a confident and effective public speaker right now?