Opioids (eBook)
ATTENTION: Is the Opioid Crisis hitting close to home?
“Learn the Simple but Proven Steps to Keep the Opioid Crisis from Destroying the Lives of Your Loved Ones..."
… And How to Manage Recovery from This Powerful Addiction
From: Rich PLR
I’ll be blunt ...
Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death among Americans under 50.
Don’t think you or someone you love will fall victim?
Whether you know it or not, right now, someone you know is very likely taking some type of opioid prescription.
There is also a better than average chance that someone in your family or someone you know is abusing an opioid prescription, taking opioids prescribed to someone else, or taking illegally manufactured, street opioids (pronounced OH-pee-oyds).
When prescribed, administered, and taken properly, legal opioids can be effective for relieving excruciating pain which accompanies some chronic diseases and health conditions. When abused and taken in improper doses, and especially when unregulated, illegally manufactured opioids are consumed, even just one or two doses can be addictive, debilitating, and even deadly.
Consider these statistics…
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US tell us the number of people dying from opioid overdose increased 14% from 2013 to 2014, and is growing every year, currently at the rate of 120 deaths per day.
- Drugs now kill more Americans than homicide and are approaching traffic accidents as a cause of death
- If you think this is a teen or 20-something only concern, it is not. In 2015, the highest death rate from drug overdose in the US was a scary 30 deaths per 100,000 people ... for men and women aged 45 to 54.
- The number of teens who died from drug overdoses in the US climbed nearly 20% from 2014 to 2015, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.
While North America is undoubtedly the king of opioid addiction and drug overdose, no country with modern medical practices is safe from this problem. In every nation or country where opioids like fentanyl, oxycodone, OxyContin and others are prescribed for chronic pain relief, related addictions and deaths have climbed in double digits on average the last 5 to 7 years.
Taken responsibly, prescription opioids are on a time-release schedule. They block the perception of pain, while also creating positive feelings of happiness. Unfortunately, the time-release property of prescription opioids can be removed, and the experience is one of incredible euphoria and extreme pain blocking.
Imagine all of your most important goals and dreams coming true at a single moment in time, and you can understand the feeling of a single "high" from opioids when they are abused. This is what leads to the stealing, robberies, murders and other crimes that are inevitably attached to opioid addiction.
Make no mistake about it, opioid addiction and abuse, what the World Health Organization has called a global health crisis, is growing every year, it is in every community, every socioeconomic level, and it affects children, teens and adults, both male and female.
It can wreck families and lead to suicide and overdose death, and it is unfortunately probably closer to you, your family, and your circle of influence than you are aware.
However, you can keep this far reaching problem from
affecting your family.
Forewarned is forearmed, so you need to understand exactly what happens when these types of drugs are taken, how they can be administered properly and safely, and if there are any safer alternatives.
You need to spot the signs of opioid addiction early, when chances of beating this horrible condition are very high. You should know what does and does not qualify as an opioid, and how to properly help someone that wants to become addiction-free.
The Problem with Prevention and Recovery
The problem was in the past, most people were not told by their doctors and healthcare professionals of the extremely high addiction rate attached to these types of drugs. Also, doctors routinely prescribe too many drugs, even though there are legal limits in place. The drugs are taken, the pain is blocked, the "high" is experienced, and then the person taking opioids ups the dosage and the odds of addiction skyrocket.
Fortunately, beating opioid addiction is possible.
It happens every day. However, without assistance, on their own, even with the best of intentions, opioid addicts find a nearly impossible battle in their attempt to beat addiction because of the physiological process that happens in the human body when these drugs are abused.
This is not the case of someone simply “wanting” to stay addicted.
On the other side of the addiction coin lies recovery.
Some people which abuse these drugs take back control of their lives, and keep this type of addiction from ruining their families. Others which have experienced the lowest of lows, and have devastated their families, also put this addiction in their rearview mirrors and move on to fulfilling, wholesome lives.
If you want to prevent opioid addiction and abuse, or help someone recover from this debilitating and possibly deadly condition, you need to familiarize yourself with every aspect of opioid drug use, abuse, and recovery.
That information is exactly what you get with the special report...
What You Need to Know
This special report is simply and appropriately titled, because it reveals just what you need to know to keep opioids from ruining the lives of people you care about. In this comprehensive report you discover ...
- Why opioids are prescribed
- The problem your doctor may be causing by prescribing too many pills at once, even in the face of legal limits
- The signs and symptoms of opioid abuse or addiction in a loved one
- Medications which are highly<strong> addictive (without a prescription!)
- Why it is so unbelievably difficult to beat opiod addiction
- How opioid prescriptions can be misused, and lead to seemingly powerless addiction
Knowledge is the First Step to Prevention!
Opioids create such addiction that preventing their abuse in the first place is always going to be the best possible option. Armed with the information in Opioids: What You Need to Know, you can prevent abuse and addiction from occurring, and if it has unfortunately already touched your family, you can help improve the chances that addiction is defeated, and lives minimally impacted.
To get your eBook simply Click the Add To Cart button above for an immediate download, available 24 hours a day. This is not the type of information you want to get in your hands too late, after opioid addiction has begun to negatively impact the ones you love.
Click the Add To Cart button above now to download your special report.
Rich PLR