Get the Woman You Want
If You're Tired of Being Rejected and Having Absolutely No Luck with Women…
"Discover The Simple and Proven Techniques and Strategies That Will Make You Absolutely Irresistible to Beautiful Women… No Matter What You Look like or How Much Money You Have!"
Gain an Unfair Advantage Over the “competition” in the Game of Dating!
If you are a guy that has had no luck with women all your life, or have absolutely no idea about what you’re doing when it comes to asking a girl out or even going on a date with her…This letter is for you.
Because you are about to learn exactly what women find absolutely irresistible in a man and what you can easily do to stay on the mind of virtually every girl you meet!
- No need to go to the gym and get a six pack
- No need to give her beautiful flowers
- No need to take her to expensive restaurants
- No need to write her any poetry
I am NOT about to tell you to spend a ton of money on every girl you meet, write her poetry or even change yourself in any way! No, no, no. This guide is not about change, it’s about the simple and proven techniques and strategies that will make you attractive to women…
From the desk of: Rich PLR
Date: May 23, 2017
Dear Friend:
Dating is a game but 95% of the men out there have no idea how to play it. It’s true, dating is a numbers game and most guys’ chances of success are slim. Don’t get me wrong, everyone gets rejected…even the most attractive, hottest, richest most charming guys hear a “no” once in a while.
But that’s what dating is all about, it’s a numbers game, a game of chance and…
…You Are About To Increase Your Chances Of Sweeping A Beautiful Woman Off Her Feet Ten Fold!
How do I know? Because this used to be my life’s story…
It’s funny when I think back to just a few months ago. I remember having no idea, no clue what so ever about what I was doing when trying to meet women. I was truly clueless, and like most men I had no idea why I was constantly getting rejected.
But instead of giving up, which was not even an option, I started to learn. I started reading everything on the subject of dating and attracting women I could get my hands on. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on dating courses and tips and got rejected a 100 times over just so I can learn about what I’m doing wrong.
And after all that reading, listening to audio tapes and experience I have finally discovered the true methods and techniques to being successful in the dating game!
Give Me Just A Few Minutes Of Your Time, And I Will Show You Exactly How You Too Can Have Beautiful Women Asking You For Your Phone Number!
Like I said, dating is a numbers game and you are about to turn the odds in your favor! This can easily be accomplished by actually knowing what women look for in a man, what they are attracted to and carrying yourself the right way around girls. Because lets face it, dating is a very important game in your life…you might as well know how to play it!
Here is just a small taste of what you are about to discover:
- Why online dating is one of the easiest ways to meet beautiful women if you are shy and afraid of face to face rejection (more and more women are choosing the safe environment of online dating sites as a way to meet men).
- The qualities every woman no matter the race or age looks for and find absolutely irresistible in men. These qualities are not something you’re born with, in fact they are extremely easy to get!
- The absolute most important rules of attraction. If you don't understand this, you are never going to be successful with women, no matter what you look like or how much money you have.
- How to easily get rid of your fear of approaching and meeting women! This is something a lot of us guys have a problem with, and yet it is so easy to overcome.
- How to become a first date professional. You’ll need to learn this if you are planning on using this guide properly…because you will be going on a lot of first dates!
- Everything you need to know about using online dating sites the right way! From the first contact all the way to getting her to want to meet up with you.
- A guaranteed way to get her begging you for a second date. You wont believe how powerful yet simple this technique is!
- How To Honestly Date Multiple Women At The Same Time With No One Getting Hurt In The Process (if you are looking to have fun but at the same time don’t want to hurt anyone this is something you absolutely must know).
- Why most women would rather have a “bad boy” instead of a nice caring guy that’s always there for her. And how you can be that “bad boy” without actually being bad.
- Why catering to her every need from the moment you meet her will absolutely kill your chances of being anything more than her “talking friend”.
- Why compliments will not always get you past the pick up line, and how to really get a woman’s attention when approaching her.
- Why what you think women want and what you have always been told women want (even by other women) is one of the biggest reasons most men’s chances of sweeping a beautiful woman of her feet are next to nothing.
- The 7 or so things women are really looking for when they meet a man. This is exactly what 95% of men out there are missing when they are trying to pick up girls.
- The 14 essential rules you should always follow when dating. Follow these rules and your troubles with women are sure to disappear.
- A list of the hottest online dating websites that will help you get a date every day of the week!
- The complete guide to having a successful first date. Including where to go, how long to stay, what to talk about and how to behave.
- The 4 things you should never talk about or even mention on a first date (bring this stuff up and you’ll ruin everything!).
- Easy ways to tell if a woman is truly interested in you or just being nice.
- Easy ways to defeat your shyness and fear of approaching women that actually work!
- And Much, Much more!
I’ve read all the books, listened to all the tapes and studied all the dating courses. I’ve spent thousands of dollars and gotten rejected over a hundred times trying to figure out what really works when it comes to meeting beautiful women.
I’ve tried and tested all that I have learned, and now I know what really works and what women really find attractive! Sure, there are thousands of so called “sure” ways to try and attract women…but there are only a few that truly matter and work.
And that is exactly what you’ll get in the...
So how much is the “Get the Woman You Want!” worth to you?
Remember, this guide will turn you from being shy and clueless around beautiful women to being a real pro. You will also learn what women really find attractive and how you can become the object of desire of all the beautiful women you want!
This guide is full of only the proven and tested techniques, advice and ways to become successful at dating. It contains no BS and nothing you don’t need, just straight to the point no fluff information on turning your dating life around.