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Why are the Medications for Erectile Dysfunction so Expensive?

There are many different questions out there answered about erectile dysfunction. It can be exciting for a man to realize treatment options are available. For approximately 40% of the men out there with erectile dysfunction their best option will be to use a type of prescription medication. Yet their excitement can be deflated when they realize just how expensive these types of medications really are.


Even if you have a very good health insurance plan there is only a slim chance they will cover such medications. The majority of health plans don’t deem medications for erectile dysfunction as a necessary part of their coverage. Those that do cover them often have a high deductible and or co-pay associated with them. It is a good idea to find out if your insurance company will cover this type of medication though. More of them are considering it due to the number of requests they get for it.


The demand for erectile dysfunction medications is very high. More than 160 million men out there are believed to have a type of problem with it. However, only a small percentage of them seek medical assistance for it. Yet there is a huge black market out there selling these medications as well. The cost of them are even higher due to the risks involved with selling such products illegally. Yet many people do by them to avoid embarrassment at the doctor’s office or the pharmacy.


Consumers have to realize these pharmaceutical companies are in the business to make money. Years of research and development took place before they were approved for patients to use. The cost of such developments is unbelievable and they are trying to recoup those investments. They also continue to do further research so they can enhance the benefits of their product for erectile dysfunction.


Advertising is also another expense they have to cover. They want to get the word out about what they can offer to men with erectile dysfunction. This involves expensive commercials, magazine ads, and infomercials. They also have to promote their products within the medical community. Some of these companies use celebrities in their materials to endorse them. It costs a huge sum of money to get them to do so. All of this overhead is passed on to the users of their products.


There is also a perceived value with this type of medication. You will notice that Cialis one of the least expensive types of erectile dysfunction medication on the market. You would think that would encourage more men to try it. Instead it can make them shy away from it. They feel that since it is priced less than Viagra and Levitra that it must not work as well. Manufacturers of such products know that this perceived value issue can cost them customers if they drop the price.


It is anticipated what with the ongoing research for more types of medications for erectile dysfunction the costs will go down. With more competition the top products will have to consider dropping their prices. Right now there are only a handful of FDA approved medications out there for erectile dysfunction. They know that men are going to continue paying what they have to in order to be able to have an active sex life again.


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