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Yahoo Answers for CPA Cash

Yahoo! has a forum where anyone can ask or reply to answers posted by the web community. It is a great place to add your CPA offers, whether you do it as a question or an answer. You’ll want to first review potential keywords for your offers so that you know how to best write up your question or reply with an answer.


Asking A Question


Did you find an intriguing offer? Maybe it's too good to believe? You can post a question asking the community if that offer is “for real” or not! You can even ask opinions on the type of offer it is and what may or may not work for your audience. You will find if you write the question in such a way that it stirs the curiosity of the reader, they will find themselves clicking on the link just to see what you're talking about!


Whatever you do, don't be explicit about the fact that it is a CPA offer. Keep it a little mysterious, focus on the content of the offer and the potential benefits it provides. This way, you aren't going to turn off readers who will realize you are posting just so to get people to click your CPA offer.


You may end up getting some negative comments to this effect, but just ignore them. There will be plenty of others who genuinely review the offer and give you their opinion of it. Either way, you know that these people clicked on the link to see what you were talking about and then had the potential to convert if they were the least bit interested.


Replying To A Question


Another way to use the Yahoo! Answers forum is to post replies to other people's questions. You have to try to find questions that relate to your CPA offer. It might be a solution to a problem someone is having or just an extra resource that can help someone make their life easier. Don't try to hard sell the offer; just provide your opinion on it and how it might be of use to the person who asked the question.


Yahoo! Answers are indexed by Google and popular answers can come up to the top for a particular keyword. If you want to see if that's the case, just enter the keyword in the Google search engine and see if a Yahoo! Answer comes up. If it does, open it up and see if you can use that one with your CPA offer.


The same way you found that question is the same way other people will find it. This way you can leverage Google's indexing to expose your CPA offers better, having found some postings in Yahoo! Answers that already have a high search ranking.



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