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Timeshare FAQs

  Although the concept of timeshares is not new to the public still people have many questions about timeshares. Few of the most important frequently asked questions that people enquire about are discussed as follows:   Is renting a timeshare better than buying it?   Buying a timeshare gives you much bigger choices. As an owner of the timeshare you get the amenities are better and cost much less. Owners can get discounts on lodging, entertainment, food, travel and many other resort facilities. The average rental fee is way higher than the average maintenance fee and is also increasing every...

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Is it right for you?

Many people buy timeshares after a lot of research and analysis. But same is not true with some people who simply buy timeshares hearing the buzz surrounding it with poor perception and ignorance about timeshares. Buying a timeshare is a huge investment and thus should be dealt with utmost importance. Before buying a timeshare you have to first question yourself whether is it really for you? How often do you go for vacation? Is that place right for you to go year after year? Do you want to buy a timeshare just for vacation purpose or you are buying it...

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How to survive?

Have you ever attended a timeshare presentation? I wish you would never attend one. It is traumatic experience sitting through a timeshare presentation. Compare it to buying a used car from a dealer; this is even more frustrating experience as more money is at stake here. What is a timeshare presentation? It is nothing but a sales pitch by the timeshare companies to force people into buying their timeshares. It begins with an invitation offering you an expensive free gift in return of attending the presentation. Now you go to the presentation thinking that there is no harm in attending...

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Timeshare Selling Alternatives

Many people simply buy timeshares thinking that they would be able to take out some time from their busy schedule and go for vacation. But many end up not using their timeshares at all. So they start considering selling their timeshares. But if you think selling a timeshare is as easy as any other real estate property then you are completely wrong. Selling a timeshare is real pain in the neck taking several months to sell. Even when it finally sells, it sells at 40%-50% less than the original price. You might think is it really worth selling your timeshare...

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Timeshare Tips for Buyers

Every individual waits for that time of the year, a much deserved time off from the hectic activities of day to day life. And when the time comes you keep wondering where to go? Where to stay? Etc. And each time you think I should have planned it out before itself. Smart people plan their vacations long before they actually go out for one. And even smarter people buy timeshare property for vacations to have a peace of mind and a place where they love to enjoy and cherish most beautiful memories in the comfort of your home like atmosphere....

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