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Why You Shouldn’t Use Them

When it comes to meeting women, many guys rely on pickup lines.  This is usually after a night of drinking at the bar.  Whether you are interested in scoring a night with a beautiful woman or an official first date, it may be best to leave pickup lines unsaid.  Why?  Because they usually backfire.


Pickup Line:  I may not be the best looking guy here, but I am the only one talking to you.


Why Not?:  If you really need to ask that question, it is definitely time to reexamine your approach.  Yes, you may mean well and feel as if you are only trashing yourself, but that isn’t how this pickup line will seem.  Some girls will feel as if you are saying they aren’t pretty enough for others to like.  Avoid this pickup line.  It won’t get you a date, but it may get you a slap in the face.


Pickup Line:  Have you always been this beautiful or did you have to work at it?


Why Not?:  Women take a lot of pride in their looks.  Those who are fit and skinny are proud of their accomplishment.  Those with nice breasts, are proud of that too.  By using this pickup line, you take that pride and trash it.  You are essentially implying that the girl is hot, but it may not be natural.  So, avoid this pickup line.  If you think a woman is beautiful, just say it.


Pickup Line:  I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else, but here is my number anyways.


Why Not?:  Because you are supposed to be a man, not a chicken.  Women want to date a guy who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go after it.  Plus, you start the conversation with a lie.  Although only a small lie, it isn’t the way to get a date or start a relationship. 


Pickup Line:  My friend wants to know if you think I am cute.


Why Not?:  Once again, a woman wants a man who isn’t afraid to get what he wants.  If you want her, approach her but do not come up with a disguise.  If you want a date, don’t bring your friends into the mix.  In fact, you don’t even need a good pickup line.  Just say you noticed her from across the room and start a conversation.


Pickup Line:  Are you one of those girls who goes out with guys right away because that is what I am looking for?


Why?:  Yes, there are a lot of women who agree to a date with a guy they just met or even sex, but that doesn’t mean your girl does.  For that reason, this pickup line is risky.  If you imply a stranger is up for anything right away, you are essentially calling her a slut.  This is definitely not the quickest way to a girl’s heart.


As you can see, there are a number of pickup lines that you should avoid using.  If you are only interested in a one-night stand, use at your discretion.  One-night stands are nice, but why not shoot for a relationship or even a first date?  If you are an adult, the best type of sex is the kind that keeps on giving.  So, remember that the next time you may utter a pickup line.  Just because they work in the movies, doesn’t mean they will work for you.


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